Your curriculum vitae is the determining element of your job application. Create a simple, modern CV by using a free online template and by following the advices below. For starters, know that the first impression can be decisive. Hence, you have to design your resume with thought and attention. Using a good strategy to develop an effective CV will be your powerful marketing tool in the labor market. Find here how to make a professional CV that will not go unnoticed by the headhunter.
Why Create a Professional CV?
Your CV must be attractive and relevant. It will faithfully retrace your personal and professional path and should make the recruiter wants to meet you. Note that a recruitment manager takes only a few seconds to read a resume diagonally. Then, they will check very quickly if your profile corresponds to the position sought and to the requirements of the company. To pass this first step, you will therefore show the reader benchmarks by giving to your CV a clear and neat presentation. Only if your curriculum vitae catches the recruiter’s attention that they will take time to analyze it in detail. To reach that goal, your CV must be synthetic, precise and positive. The main goal is to be called for a job interview so use a professional cv template online in order to tilt the odds in your favor.
How to Write a Professional CV?
Your CV must be carefully prepared and contain a number of personal and professional points about you: your marital status; your professional experience; your education and training; your skills; your progress and your future projects. A professional CV is always relevant, unique and impactful. So, do not hesitate to spend time and energy on writing it (a day or two if necessary). Take a full assessment of your skills, your professional experience; your educational and vocational training.
Avoid holes in your career path, recruiters do not like it for it does not inspire confidence. If you have a period of inactivity in your CV, justify them wisely. Show that you did not remain inactive during that time, you were always very busy (training, associations, thinking about starting a business, etc.). Detail each experience with the mission; the obtained results; but also, strengths and weaknesses. On the other hand, if you have too many experiences, sort them out and only retain the most relevant to the job sought because a professional CV should not exceed one page.